Monday, January 24, 2011


I'm in the process of revamping and expanding the blog, to include more warhammer antics - the battle reports that were meant to go here but also modeling and army development. Primarily, I'm thinking seriously about finally giving in and making a Tomb Kings army. No matter how bad they are in 8th, they have a pretty cool thing going and a couple units I really love, so why fight it? Unfortunately as the fourth army I swore I'd never build I'm going to need to fund them by clearing out as much stockpile as possible, hence the two lists on the right. If I do this right, the BOUGHT side of things shouldn't overrun the SOLD side ...

Stay tuned.


Dreadtasm! is a blog for battle reports of my warhammer fantasy exploits, most if not all of which are being documented with Battle Chronicler. There is a chance that other games may appear - I also play 40k, BFG and Mordheim - but fantasy remains where it's at for me. I currently play Warriors of Chaos, Skaven and Ogres (with some Beasts amassing in the closet) out of Albany, NY.

Dreadtasm! is unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop, though Warhammer and its associated names and images are indeed owned and trademarked by GW.