Wednesday, March 31, 2010

+ WoT vs Brets 2250, League Ender 1 of 4 +

Location: Zombie Planet
Date played: Monday, March 29, 2010

General: J

(L) Lord
- grail vow, KB vs large targets, 4+ ward shield, lance, etc

(P) Paladin
- sword of D3 wounds, enchanted shield

(PB1) Paladin [BSB]
- grail vow, virtue of duty

(D) Damsel
- level 2, chalice, scroll, warhorse

(KE1) 8 Knights Errant
- errantry banner, full command

(KE2) 8 Knights Errant
- full command

(KotR) 8 Knights of the Realm
- warbanner, full command

(PB2) 18 Peasant Bowmen
- skirmish, flaming, musician

(PK) 3 Pegasus Knights
- full command

(Y) 5 Yeomen
- musician, bows, spears, shields

(MA) 20 Grail Reliquae

(GK) 5 Grail Knights
- full command

(T) Trebuchet

Warriors of Tzeentch
General: Salvage

(CL) Chaos Lord [360 points]
- MoT, axe of tzeentch, enchanted shield, collar of tzeentch, favor, demonic mount

(S) Sorcerer [195 points]
- MoT, golden eye, dispel scroll, bloodcurdling roar, disc

(X) Exalted Hero [164 points]
- MoT, BSB, talisman of protection, halberd

(CW1) 20 Chaos Warriors [395 points]
- warbanner, full command, shields

(CW2) 19 Chaos Warrriors [374 points]
- rapturous banner, full command, shields

(H1) 5 Horsemen [81 points]
- musician, spears, light armor

(H2) 5 Horsemen [81 points]
- musician, spears, light armor

(DO) 3 Dragon Ogres [231 points]
- great weapons

(O) 3 Ogres [160 points]
- musician, great weapons, chaos armor

(HC) Hellcannon [205 points]

Total: 2246 points

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Damsel > beasts 2 & 3
Sorcerer > flickering fire

Turn 1 - Warriors of Tzeentch
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Ogres try to fade their flank, having lured the multi-wounder paladin down, whilst the 'stars get into position to receive some lances, the horsemen mobilize to take out peasants and the sorcerer stays the hell away from the pegs 20" charge. The hellcannon takes the one and only shot I wanted - down the line into those KotR, looking to panic them off the board. A short guess nabs both the yeomen and the knights, sending them both off the board. Fat and happy, Ms. Nibbles considers her work done already.

Turn 1 - Brettonians
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Brutally demoralized, the brets shoulder on, with some lance movement to the west and the pegs mobilzing east. The treb scatters a hearty 10" off one of the 'stars, and the archer blob drops a single horseman.

Turn 2 - Warriors of Tzeentch
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Main action comes from the horsemen charging into the blob, taking no wounds on the stand-and-shoot. The other horsemen head around to send help next turn, while the Pimp continues hiding from the pegs and the drogres tempt the pegs with a charge, backed up by the heckcannon. The ogres meanwhile consign themselves to their fate and angle to send the errants off the board and bye some time for the rapturestar's rear. No magic, no shooting, just fighting: the horsemen drop some blob members, lose one in return and tie on musicians.

Turn 2 - Brettonians
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The western errants slam the ogres as expected, and here I note my only hope is to have the monster-killer paladin fluff so I can club him to death - WAIT FOR IT! The pegs totally surprise me (!) by flanking the horsemen battling the blob. With a brief intermission for the treb to misfire (misses the next turn of firing), it's back to killing. The left paladin completely fluffs (!!), and the errants do just two wounds on the ogres. In return two of them reduce the paladin to pulp (!!!), then happily break and are run down. The errants stay on the table with a very short pursuit. The pegs meanwhile do their best to fluff completely, but two horsemen are dragged down for the loss of a couple more archers. The horseman breaks and is only pursued by the peasants, getting them out of the other horsemen's arc.

Turn 3 - Warriors of Tzeentch
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Feeling overly confident, the Baron White leaves his warstar and powers his demo-pony over to lock the errants down and/or pulp their skulls. The Duke shifts over in his unit to give the lord a reroll just in case ... While the Pimp hops into the bret line to finally yell at somebody. The remaining horsemen redeploy yet again, while the drogres prepare to see what 231 points worth of S7 can do. I for one have no faith in them ... But the Pimp in the meantime roars at the grails + BSB and kills the three (!!) knights from the rear of the unit. Whoa.

Turn 3 - Brettonians
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And with the game a third gone, it's time to commit - the lord's errants and the BSB's grails slam the warstar, the unit that will actually break if they can put the pressure on hard enough. The pegs meanwhile easily pass fear and charge the drogres, while the other errants turn to face the incoming lord and the M@A move up to expose the disc to some blob loving. Which does nothing. Fighting: pegs open by stabbing / trampling the drogres for three wounds, to take three in return and win on musician. Showing how awesome they are, the musician-less drogres blow their test (and the BSB had moved to 15" away in order to cover for the lord) and flee a few inches, to be caught by a min-flee from the pegs. Much frustration at drogres. In the Main Event, four warriors are beaten down in the storm of lances and hooves, while maybe a knight or something died. The warriors lose by four and break twice, easily being caught. Much sadness at warstar detonation.

Turn 4 - Warriors of Tzeentch
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Note: I got so carried away with the hellcannon charging the M@A that I forgot to roll for her rampage test - it turned out that she DID rampage and would have pounched on the grails or the pegs and actually done something. Instead she got tossed into a load of smelly peasants. Elsewhere the Baron charges those errants and the other horsemen crack knuckles and prepare for vengeance. The rapturestar turns and shuffles to descend upon some grails, while the sorcerer zips down to help with the yelling. Which goes off, but neither a 7 S2 flicker (...) or a 6 roar (...) amount to anything. In the round that matters, the horsemen actually kill the last pegs (!!), Ms. Nibbles noms some peasants, and the Baron, despite S6 killing blow, nets just the errant champ. He loses but holds.

Note! Those 'Men-at-Arms' are in fact a grail reliquae! I only just remembered, so you can just insert "GR" on that "MA" block and pretend. That's how they're holding up so well, wards absorbed all but 1-2 wounds a turn.

Turn 4 - Brettonians
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The general and BSB's lances try to drag themselves away from the rapturestar's vengeful reach, and that's all for moving. The treb scatters a big 8" off the rapturestar, and the blob doesn't dent the Pimp (or the horsemen, whatever was shot). The lord once more smashed down an impressive two knights and held no prob. The errants expanded frontage to get more horses in (knights too but they never hit).

Turn 5 - Warriors of Tzeentch
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The rapture boys reach out and just make the grail remnants, and the Pimp zips over to try his luck against the treb. Flicker smashes two wounds on the machine and drops a peasant, but the roar is ineffectual. In combat the grails are crushed but the BSB escapes. The star holds so as to not enter the lord's arc. The mighty chaos lord smashes another errant and holds @ -2.

Turn 5 - Brettonians
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The BSB rallies, and on to shooting - the treb scattered 10" off the horsemen right for their own BSB (Tzeentch FTW!) while the blob failed to hurt the Pimp again. The mighty might of the 360 point chaos lord dropped one errant, but he held @ -2 again.

AND J had assured me this was turn six and game. I felt like there was more to go, and I honestly can't think of anything in this report that I'm combining together, unless there was another turn of him jockeying for position involved before commiting. Except then the pegs would have caused me more anxiety, and the Pimp would have likewise gotten to explode some more knight heads.

Regardless, what started out as an apocalypse for the brets turned into a chaos fail-fest as all the chaos power hitters were absorbed by my mediocre dice and his hot bret ward saves, which were nearly never made on the eevil side (literally 0-1 'tizz six' ward saves were made). All the same:

TIZZ WIN (13-7)

1 comment:

  1. So I have been debating my chaos lord's weapon for months now, and so far have run him with aethersword (awesome against heavy armor, like other chaos) and axe of khorne (as seen here, not 100% impressive). Still not satisfied though - what I really want is to reroll my hits while also getting some kind of strength bonus. Ok, what I REALLY want is chaos lord's to have hatred, which frankly makes a lot of sense, but oh well.

    After much debating, I am going to play the rest of the league out with the runesword and see how it goes. The most generic of the chaos weapons IMO, but it gives S6 for tackling monsters and a bit of armor, and A6 for tackling my bad dice rolling. The extra WS is a bit excessive, but it will mean that WS4 things hit back at 5+.

    Next Monday it's High Elves, with a possibility of rough housing with Skaven (furnace, a-bomb, wheel) too. Stay tuned.

    - Salvage



Dreadtasm! is a blog for battle reports of my warhammer fantasy exploits, most if not all of which are being documented with Battle Chronicler. There is a chance that other games may appear - I also play 40k, BFG and Mordheim - but fantasy remains where it's at for me. I currently play Warriors of Chaos, Skaven and Ogres (with some Beasts amassing in the closet) out of Albany, NY.

Dreadtasm! is unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop, though Warhammer and its associated names and images are indeed owned and trademarked by GW.